A Passel of New Babies

July 7, 2024


This little Miracle weighed 1.7 kg and is 2 weeks old.

Her mom died during the delivery and they had to take the baby by Caesarean after the mom had already died. Her name is Grace Miracle and she certainly is one. Her Maasai father has seven other children and cannot care for such a tiny baby. The hospital called Neema for help. We have so many babies now, we could really use your help with sponsorships. Bless You for helping these tiny little bundles from God!

Ellery and Eliana

Ellery and Eliana, below, came to Neema weighing 2.3kg (5lbs) and 2.2kg (4.8lbs). Their 20 year old mother had these beautiful little girls through cesarean section. The mother was told she needed to exercise six hours after having them and when she stood up she started to bleed profusely. She was taken back into surgery and afterwards she seemed to be paralyzed from the waist down. She was not doing well so they put her in ICU and she started having seizures. The grandmother did come to see the babies and cried because she is so scared her daughter may die. We told her we would help her in anyway we could. The babies are doing well but please pray for their young mama.

Katie Jane

Katie Jane, below, was abandoned in a latrine and weighed 3.3 kg when she arrived at Neema. It happens, not only here in Africa but in America and in your hometown too, I imagine. The baby was in pretty bad shape with some bugs that had to be removed but she was crying pretty loudly for help. She is a strong little girl so we wanted to name her after a strong woman. We named her Katie Jane for a young woman at Harding University who plans to spend her life helping other people. She is beautiful just like her namesake and we will love her until her forever family gets here.


Sweet boy Damian, below, was left in a front yard. He looks about 2 months old and the people who found him named him before he was brought to Neema Village. He is a healthy boy and we pray God sends his forever family soon, too.


He is a healthy little boy but his mom is mentally ill and cannot care for him. The grandmother brought the baby in to Neema. He is a little sweetheart and will need a sponsor for a couple of years until we can find a good home for him.


His mom told the police she left him somewhere, on a bus, in a bush, with an old woman. An alcoholic, she wasn’t sure where she left him. He has been found and mom has gone into a treatment center. We will keep baby Zulaflii until she can get sober and Social Welfare says she is capable of taking him back. We think he is about 3 to 4 months old. We love his sad, little face.


Abandoned at the hospital, his mom just walked out and never came back. Maybe someday you will get to meet your mother, sweet boy. We know she must have suffered greatly when she walked out and left you. For now we love you and are sure that God has good plans for you. Like your namesake, we hope you will grow up to be a good man, one who cares for the poor and hurting and one who loves well.

One of our Maasai traditional birthing attendants brought a new mom in for help. The mom had no milk, her twin babies were starving and mom was starving herself. Our staff, Dr. Teddy, Juliette and Esther got her cleaned up and dressed in some of Kelle’s clothes. We have put her and her two tiny babies, Zakayo and Matayo, into our MAP houses together. We are feeding her good rich food like bananas beef and chicken soup. She will soon have enough milk and be able to take the babies home.

Keeping families together is what Neema Village does best!

It is not a happy time for us to receive this many babies. The moms we have lost this month break our hearts. The moms who saw no way out of the deep problems of their lives other than to lay their baby down and walk away also break our hearts. I cannot imagine dealing with this kind of sorrow day after day except through the power of Jesus Christ.

Neema Village has been from the beginning, “A Place of Forgiveness and Hope,” forgiveness for the moms and hope for the babies.

Romans 15:13

Michael and Dorris Fortson

www.neema village.org