Author Archives: mfortson

A Kiwi and An Aussie Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

You’re never too old to learn something new; at 70 years old I’ve learned that a Kiwi is not just a fruit it’s also a person from New Zealand.  So, a Kiwi, Megan Delaney, and an Aussie, Ann Beach, made it to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro last week and are now at Neema Baby Home in Arusha feeding, bathing, holding and loving the beautiful babies of Neema House.

Meg and Anne's group getting embarking on the climb.

Meg and Anne’s group getting embarking on the climb.

Climbing Kili is a mountain climber’s once in a life time dream.   It is actually on Michael’s bucket list but I’ve told him that bucket better have a hole in the bottom!  Africa’s tallest mountain at just under 20,000 feet, attracts people from 80 years old to 8 who make it to the top.  If you don’t take it slow though, the altitude sickness will get you, and you will be one of the many who don’t make it to the top.  

Meg (left) at the top.  Anne was taking the photo.

Meg (left) at the top. Anne was taking the photo.

It took Megan and Ann eight days for their trip.  They said it was a great challenge but not one they would want to repeat.  Back home they are both pediatric nurses and decided that after they did the climb they would give a month to help at an orphanage in Africa.  With twenty-nine beautiful but loud and messy babies living at Neema, we can use all the help we can get.  They have already been to the hospital to check on our two newest babies, twins from the Masai village, who both have some birth defects and will need to see a surgeon.

Meg and Anne at Mt. Meru Hospital with the Masai babies

Meg and Anne at Mt. Meru Hospital with the Masai babies



The babies and mother were all in extreme distress, the mother was completely dry and the babies would not have lasted much longer, when Kelly and Matt found them and brought them into town to the big Mt. Meru hospital.  They may need to stay at Neema for six months to get the mother healthy enough to feed the babies.  We are not exactly sure where we will put them.  We need our planned  mothering center!






Ann singing 1

Anne singing to Neema Babies


I tell our visitors quite often that all our babies have a tragic story or we would not have them.  From those who lost their mothers during childbirth like precious Doris, to those thrown away on trash heaps, gravel pits, roadsides or latrines, they need all the love we can give them.  We can’t say thank you enough to volunteers like Meg and Anne, who share their time and love with our babies. 

Anne and Meg brought gifts from Australia.  Thank You!

Anne and Meg brought gifts from Australia. Thank You!

Megan and Ann also did an incredible fund raiser back in Australia.  They raised $20,000, which will allow us to begin building Neema Village!!  


Meg and Anne ready for walk with babies

Meg and Anne ready for walk with babies













Meg in khanga 1

Meg gone native!




With the African braided hair, carrying babies on their backs, and wearing African Kitanges, we think we think these two have fit quite well into Tanzanian culture.

Much Love,


The Thin Places


Dr Terry 1

Dr. Terry Rascoe, Temple, TX, examining Neema Babies

Look who visited Neema Baby Home this month:  Dr. Terry and Zoe Rascoe.  Terry examined all our babies and pronounced them healthy.  Some of them a little too healthy like Chubby Daniel, who along with Angel will have adenoid surgery this month.  They have both had too many ear infections and so must have their adenoids scraped.  Sounds pretty yucky; please say a prayer for these two.

Angel and Daniel have surgery 1

Angel and Daniel scheduled to have adenoid surgery

Smiley seven month old Shabani came to live at Neema this month.  The Police had called Michael to come pick up an abandoned baby that was left on the street, and by the time he got there, they had located the mother.  She was there crying and upset while the police and a whole group of on-lookers were standing around.   Michael felt very uncomfortable as he (an mzungu) walked off with the lady’s baby.

Shabani at Neema House.  Abandoned by his mother!

Shabani at Neema House. Abandoned by his mother!

The police took this very young mother, who had been living on the street, off crying to jail.  Such a sad situation; she probably doesn’t belong in jail, especially not an African jail.  We are hoping to be able to check on her.  Kelly is beginning to feel strongly that we must build the mothering center soon to be able to help these mothers.  Lord God help us do this, pray the land purchase goes through quickly.

Our smallest baby right now, Rose June, is about four and a half pounds. She was also abandoned on the street and was taken to the hospital by the people who found her.  The hospital then called Neema to come pick her up.  Early one morning Jenny, the head nanny for the night shift, knocked on our door upstairs saying we needed to go to the hospital.  Baby Rose had been vomiting, had diarrhea and a fever during the night.  She was ashen, her cheeks and fontanel were sunken and her mouth was open but no sound coming out and her eyes were open but unfocused.  It was quite scary as we rushed her to the hospital through the busy eight a.m. Arusha traffic. 

Rose June, home from hospital and doing good!

Rose June, home from hospital and doing good!

I wanted to open the window and scream for people to “get out of my way, we have a sick baby on board!”  After putting an IV in baby Rose’s tiny hand she was admitted into the NICU ward at the Arusha Lutheran Hospital.  She stayed a couple of days and was released, but by the time we got her home we could tell that she was still in distress.  We took her to the big Mt. Meru hospital the next day and they were able to keep her for almost a week and get her stable.  She is now back home at Neema in isolation with volunteers and nannies on 24/7, feeding her every one or two hours.  She has cute little chubby cheeks and is doing well now.  Thank God.

Friday, Matt drove out to a Masai village to pick up twins that Kelly had seen on a trip out to the village.  She had taken Bahati out to see his family in the village when she saw a new mother and her twin babies.  The mother was very weak and the babies were not doing well.  Matt said he will also try to bring the mother in to town.  Helping these mothers and babies is what Neema is all about.  If we can care for her and get her healthy, then she can feed the twins herself.  

Masai Twins in Hospital

Masai Twins in Hospital

We have been discussing how to ask the mother, when she first arrives at Neema. to take a bath and use lye soap, since most Masai have never been in a tub or shower in their life.  They haul water on their heads, sometimes from long distances, and that is probably the most water they ever see.  We will just have to ask, since lice is not something we would want to have in our beds at Neema!

Sunrise on the Indian Ocean

Sunrise on the Indian Ocean

Michael and I have been on the coast for a little R&R for a few days and I was out early this morning to catch the sunrise over the water.  I have been having some worries over the future of one of the babies and needed some quiet time to seek some guidance from the one who best knows our futures.  It was a dark morning with scattered clouds and I finally realized I would not get to see the sun slip over the horizon, when suddenly I began to see bright spots shining like flashlights down onto the water from the broken places in the clouds.  The round lights scattered across the dark morning water in the cove looked like polished silver dollars dancing on the water.  Even though it was not the beautiful sunrise I wanted to see it was quite lovely and reminded me of some conversations I had with Glenda White from Nacogdoches.  Glenda was in the middle of a hard battle with cancer which she finally won by going home with Jesus, and she loved to talk about finding God in the Thin Places in our lives.  Much like the broken clouds above me, God’s light shines brightest through the broken and thin places in our lives.   So I settled down to enjoy the clouds when suddenly, the red streaked horizon spoke the truth that God is still there, even on cloudy days when we are not seeing what we want to see.  

I hope your day is clear and you see the Son but if not enjoy the broken places and be sure that God is still there just beyond the darkness.

Much Love and Grace to you,

Some Days Are Like That

Some Days Are Like That

Since I normally tell you about the exciting things that happen at Neema Baby Home, I thought you might want to know that most days are just pretty normal around here.  Well, as normal as normal can be in a house with thirty plus babies!  This morning I am sitting at my computer and it is time for the 7:30 am shift change.  The nannies are yelling greetings to each other as the day shift comes in and the night shift leaves out.  The babies are either screaming for their new nanny coming in or crying because their night shift nanny is leaving.  To be quite honest it is bedlam.   There are
days when you want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over your head!  Some days are like that even in Africa.

A few photos from our normal day at Neema House

One of the highlights of the past couple of weeks has been the triplet girls going home.  We have had these babzmies since they were two and three pounds.  

July 2012, Michael with 2.5 lb Deborah, 1 day old.

  They were just a few hours old when the hospital called and asked Neema if we would take them.  Babies that small out in the villages would not survive and mothers who are generally malnourished themselves would not have enough milk to feed three babies.  Babu (grandfather Michael) got a bit emotional when the car pulled out with those three little girls and their mom.


Michael and Dorris with theTriplets, Esther, Anna, Deborah, their mom and sister

Kenzie with triplets, their mom, in front of cow pen.We have been out to check on them and they are doing great.  Actually they did not want to come to us, they all three wanted their mom to hold them and as big as they are now that was quite a handful for her. 

Neema is committed to supplying these girls their milk for another year.  They have a bull but not a milk cow so we are going to find a good milk cow for them.  We have already raised about $275 for the cow from our Facebook friends.  Godlove says he can find a milk cow for about $400, that is if he goes by himself.   If we go with him we will get the special Mzungu price which would be double that!

We have received two new babies in the last few weeks, one a tiny little five pound baby girl abandoned on the street and brought to the hospital.

Mohammed, left, and Rose June, right


He has a perfect little face and lots of dark hair.  Her name is Rose June.  The other baby is from a Muslim family, his name is Mohammed and he is huge.  His mother died at his birth, which is always so sad for us as we watch these dads with their newborn babies that they must now leave in a stranger’s care and go home without a wife or a baby.   We are hoping he will be one of the good dads that come every week to see this little one.

We have had some great volunteers this summer and the only bad thing about having great volunteers at Neema is they have to leave!  Over the past two years of operation at Neema we have had volunteers from countries like Sweden, Australia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy, Scotland, Dubai,  Canada, Colombia, The US and others.  Nine wonderful volunteers have come and gone so far this summer.  They have fed, changed, held, doctored and loved the babies and then had to go home.  We miss yall!!

Photos of some of our great volunteers Summer 2014
More photos of volunteers!<

 Here is a link to a youtube video a German Volunteer, Tajana made recently.  It’s is super good!

**For those of you wondering what has happened to our blog on the Neema website, “Go Daddy” our web host, decided to get out of the blogging business and deleted them!!  We have managed to save the script, not the pictures, from the most recent blogs.  If anyone has a file with the older blogs, please let us know.  We would love to have a copy.


Grace to all,
Dorris Fortson