“Danny Boy”
Wearing nothing but a blue umbilical clamp, the newborn lay in the grass in the front yard throughout the long night.
How long he’d been there, we don’t know, long enough to have a red rash on his cheek where he must have rubbed the grass in the night looking for comfort, or nourishment or warmth.
After the police collected the baby from the home where he had been tossed, he was checked out at the hospital, deemed healthy and Neema House Arusha was called to come pick him up.
We named him Daniel. Once again as I tell his story, it breaks my heart. How long had he cried throughout the night? Was he cold? African nights can be cold in Arusha. Did dogs or worse check him out in the dark? He had been left with nothing, no note, no blanket, no diaper. What would make a mother so desperate that she would lay a healthy baby boy down like that and walk away? I must believe surely her mother’s heart was broken too.
But love and goodness and hope has won again at Neema. Danny, age 3 has been adopted!
On a visit to Neema House Arusha, a surgeon and his wife from Dar es Salaam fell in love with this quiet, shy, little boy and Danny has now gone home to his forever family.
Thank God he will never be tossed out again.
It’s what we do at Neema. We love them until their new mom and dad can take over.
Thank you to the three sisters from Texas who sponsored Danny while he lived at Neema. Bless you!
On this Easter Sunday, 2016, when Hope has risen again, May this story of Neema’s Danny Boy bring Joy and Hope again to your heart!
Michael and Dorris Fortson