Michael and I could not be prouder of our girls. They are amazing.
I have to admit we are scared for Africa, this land we have loved for half a century. Our local doctor there says when it hits it will be hard and fast and then it will be over quickly. We are praying that the years of malaria medicine which most Africans have had at some time or another will protect them. We are also praying that God will step in and say, “Enough!”
Kim says many of the people are terrified. Some of them have seen this before when smallpox, measles, polio, Ebola, the white man’s flu all came scouring over the land leaving villages deserted and babies motherless. Our nannies believe in the power of prayer and called for a three-day fast.
Then we got a new abandoned baby in and they named her Faith. How appropriate for such a time as this.