A Kiwi and An Aussie Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

You’re never too old to learn something new; at 70 years old I’ve learned that a Kiwi is not just a fruit it’s also a person from New Zealand.  So, a Kiwi, Megan Delaney, and an Aussie, Ann Beach, made it to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro last week and are now at Neema Baby Home in Arusha feeding, bathing, holding and loving the beautiful babies of Neema House.

Meg and Anne's group getting embarking on the climb.

Meg and Anne’s group getting embarking on the climb.

Climbing Kili is a mountain climber’s once in a life time dream.   It is actually on Michael’s bucket list but I’ve told him that bucket better have a hole in the bottom!  Africa’s tallest mountain at just under 20,000 feet, attracts people from 80 years old to 8 who make it to the top.  If you don’t take it slow though, the altitude sickness will get you, and you will be one of the many who don’t make it to the top.  

Meg (left) at the top.  Anne was taking the photo.

Meg (left) at the top. Anne was taking the photo.

It took Megan and Ann eight days for their trip.  They said it was a great challenge but not one they would want to repeat.  Back home they are both pediatric nurses and decided that after they did the climb they would give a month to help at an orphanage in Africa.  With twenty-nine beautiful but loud and messy babies living at Neema, we can use all the help we can get.  They have already been to the hospital to check on our two newest babies, twins from the Masai village, who both have some birth defects and will need to see a surgeon.

Meg and Anne at Mt. Meru Hospital with the Masai babies

Meg and Anne at Mt. Meru Hospital with the Masai babies



The babies and mother were all in extreme distress, the mother was completely dry and the babies would not have lasted much longer, when Kelly and Matt found them and brought them into town to the big Mt. Meru hospital.  They may need to stay at Neema for six months to get the mother healthy enough to feed the babies.  We are not exactly sure where we will put them.  We need our planned  mothering center!






Ann singing 1

Anne singing to Neema Babies


I tell our visitors quite often that all our babies have a tragic story or we would not have them.  From those who lost their mothers during childbirth like precious Doris, to those thrown away on trash heaps, gravel pits, roadsides or latrines, they need all the love we can give them.  We can’t say thank you enough to volunteers like Meg and Anne, who share their time and love with our babies. 

Anne and Meg brought gifts from Australia.  Thank You!

Anne and Meg brought gifts from Australia. Thank You!

Megan and Ann also did an incredible fund raiser back in Australia.  They raised $20,000, which will allow us to begin building Neema Village!!  


Meg and Anne ready for walk with babies

Meg and Anne ready for walk with babies













Meg in khanga 1

Meg gone native!




With the African braided hair, carrying babies on their backs, and wearing African Kitanges, we think we think these two have fit quite well into Tanzanian culture.

Much Love,
