May 16th, 2023
I would have given up about a year ago but not Michael. We had been trying to drill for water to help the Maasai people for over two years and every time we got set up to drill out at a village a different part of the rig would break down. But Michael has been determined to see this project through.
We had heard horror stories of Maasai women walking for miles for clean water, standing or sleeping all night in lines at the government spigot only to have the water turned off before it was their turn to fill the bucket.
Many women get their water from streams just like this Typhoid infested one below. We were anxious to be able to bring them pure, clean water.
Bringing water to the women in a Maasai village means more time to care for their children, it means more time to grow better food, it means cleaner, healthier babies, it means children going to school with clean uniforms, it means time to work a business to better the lives of their families. It means everything.
It means lovely, healthy food like Neema’s below!
Young girls start early learning to carry firewood and water on their heads. These young girls do not go to school, they must go for water and wood. One of the biggest investments we can do in this big continent of Africa is get young girls in school!
Since the drilling rig was given to us from a group in Nacogdoches, Texas and had come from Little Beaver in Livingston, Texas, machine parts had to be ordered from the U.S. and shipped to Tanzania. The last part to break down and need replaced was the motor which finally arrived in February this year.
In April the drilling team arrived from Dar. We had to use the down hole hammer to get through the rock but it punched right through and we have now hit water at three wells! .
Our Dar drilling team with Michael and I at our first unsuccessful well two years ago.
Thank you to all of you who have stuck with us through all of this and prayed for success in this newest Neema Village project. Bringing water to thirsty people.
Our babies at Neema Village love water, too!
God is Indeed Good!
To donate to Neema’s Tanzania Water Project go to our website and click on the donate button. Put “Outreach” on the purpose line.
John 4:14