Those Pesky RMDs!

Those Pesky RMDs!

December 21, 2021

If you are over 70 years old and required to take a yearly minimum deduction, (Required Minimum Distribution) from your IRA, you can have that deposited directly into the Neema Village 501c3 account. If it saves on your taxes it could save an abandoned, orphaned, or at-risk baby at Neema Village! Two of our donors decided to do that this year; we thought you might want to know about it too. We have a broker ready to receive your RMD; just give us an email at [email protected] before December 31st!

The Isolation room has seven tiny babies, Nanny Glory and Nanny Gertrude are caring for those little ones today. Caroline, in the middle, is our music teacher and just goes around to sing for the babies after her classes.

The work you do at Neema Village is precious, we are so grateful to be the administrators of God Grace through you!

Dorris and Michael

Drummer Boy video IMG 7279

in the small baby room Teacher Caroline and Nanny Anita are singing for the twelve little babies in that room. There are 58 babies on campus right now!!

What a way for Michael and I to spend our retirement!